Staff Forum
Staff Forum Meeting

Staff Forum

Staff Forum

Staff Forum is a platform for staff to raise their collective voice in matters of importance, support a culture of civility, equity, productivity, wellness, and high morale for all who work and study at the College, create more transparency across the institution, and much more. What is developed through Staff Forum, among many other College happenings, is intended to support all positions.

The Staff Forum’s general purpose is to provide an organized means of communication and participation for staff in the shared governance system of the College. The specific purposes of the Staff Forum are:

  • To strengthen the institution and its staff by recognizing, encouraging, and supporting a high level of professionalism in its workers and policies/protocols/practices.
  • To create a collective voice for staff and the issues/concerns brought forth by staff members.
  • To create more transparency across the institution regarding decision-making.
  • To educate and seek understanding regarding issues and opportunities facing the College and its staff.
  • To help create a culture of civility, equity, productivity, wellness, and high morale for all who work and study at the College.

The membership of the Staff Forum consists of all non-student employees except those who are members of the College Faculty. It is led by two co-chairs elected for staggered three-year terms from its constituency, one exempt worker and one non-exempt worker. By vote of the body, one of the elected co-chairs will represent the Staff Forum on the Executive Council. The body elects from its membership an advisory group to solicit agenda items and create special working groups.

Staff Forum '24-'25 Meetings

While essential services need to be considered, supervisors should notify employees of Staff Forum meetings and encourage participation. All employees, both faculty and staff, are welcome at Staff Forum meetings.

All meetings take place 8:30-10 a.m. in Baird Lounge, Alumni Building and via Zoom.

Fall Dates

  • Wednesday, August 28
  • Wednesday, September 18
  • Thursday, October 31
  • Wednesday, November 20

Spring Dates

  • Wednesday, January 29
  • Wednesday, February 26
  • Wednesday, March 26
  • Wednesday, April 30
  • Wednesday, May 7

Please note: The link to join via Zoom is sent out in an email to campus one week ahead of the meeting date and once more the day before.

If you’re interested in joining the Staff Forum Advisory Committee and would like to know when the SFAC meets, please see the SFAC meeting dates.

You may also view previous Staff Forum meeting minutes and agendas.

Presenting at Staff Forum

Do you or your area have a topic you would like to present at the Staff Forum as part of a future meeting? Have you seen a great presentation around campus or at another meeting that you would like to see presented to all staff? If so, simply contact any member of the Advisory Committee or the Staff Forum Co-Chairs and let them know. We can then determine with the group when/if your topic seems like a good one for us to feature on an upcoming agenda. Be sure to have a look at our Staff Forum Presentation Guidelines while putting together any presentations!

Please Submit Agenda Items, Questions, Suggestions, Comments, and Concerns Here!

We Want to Hear From You

Staff can submit ideas, concerns or any form of feedback to the Staff Forum Advisory Committee (SFAC) either by emailing #StaffForumAdvisoryCommittee, contacting any of the SFAC members directly, or using one of the forms below.

The anonymous feedback remains completely anonymous and is delivered to the Staff Forum co-chairs. The co-chairs then bring the feedback before the SFAC, who then determines what to do or how to respond to the message.

Staff can also submit ideas, issues, or concerns to the Staff Liaison to the Board of Trustees by contacting them directly or using the form below.

Anonymous Feedback Form

Contact Form for the Staff Liaison to the Board of Trustees

Staff Achievements

The Staff Forum celebrates staff achievements throughout the academic year. These achievements can be both professional or personal, including awards, work, publications, life milestones, important events and more.

We would love to hear about your achievements! If you would like to submit an achievement, please fill out the online form available here.

View Recent Staff Achievements

Staff Forum Achievements