Robert’s Story
Robert Anderson ’78

Robert’s Story

Robert's Story

Growing up on a North Carolina farm, Robert Anderson ’78 had never seen a computer before coming to Berea College in 1973.

“Computers at the time were not abundant outside of major companies and colleges,” he said. “They were viewed as true cutting-edge technology at that time.”

The computer at Berea was an IBM 1130, the least expensive computer made at the time, intended for educational institutions and engineers. Anderson, who majored in mathematics with an emphasis in computer science, took on his first labor position as computer operator. Later, he moved into a position in programming.

“It was night and day different programming in the early ’70s compared to today’s computers,” Anderson said. “We had to be very efficient with our code due to the limited main memory of the IBM 1130. In moving into programming as a labor position, I was able to see how programming impacted real-life scenarios.”

These real-life scenarios included creating programs for the College to use in accounts payable, receivables and alumni development programs. Anderson enjoyed applying mathematical logic to a program to compute answers dramatically faster than solving problems long-hand. He designed and ran programs to generate the College’s quarterly and annual ledger reports.

“That process would require running [the program] way into the night, into the early morning. We would draw straws to see who had to sit through the night to be sure this report got generated.”

Since he graduated in 1978, Anderson has applied this foundational knowledge in mathematics and computer science in his professional life, as well as a learned work ethic.

“The strong work ethic at Berea has always carried me through as far as being diligent about what you do,” he said. “And the mathematics piece still carries me today. Principles I learned in probability physics and statistics still apply in today’s world.”

Anderson has applied what he learned at Berea at all his professional positions, which include working in the IT department at Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and founding several technology companies over the years. Anderson was involved in launching PointDx, Inc., a radiology reporting solutions company, and Great Wall Systems, Inc., a high-end network security company. Currently, Anderson serves as chief executive officer for Causa Research, Inc., which focuses on improving medication adherence through mobile, tablet and PC technology platforms.

Because his labor position at Berea College was so integral in launching his career, Anderson encourages today’s students to seek out campus jobs in line with their career ambitions.

“Whether it’s hotel management at Boone Tavern or in the science labs, those positions will give you a leg up in the real world once you graduate. Whenever I’ve run into Berea graduates in Washington, D.C., or out in Seattle, they always comment on the labor program and what it did for them.”