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COVID Information

COVID Information

To keep our community safe, we ask all students, faculty, and staff to follow CDC guidelines regarding COVID vaccinations and remain up to date on their boosters.

In the interest of the health and safety of our campus community, please continue to be mindful of symptoms of COVID-19. As always, if you are sick, please refrain from going to class or coming to work if you are an employee.

If you feel it is needed for your safety or others, please wear a mask.

COVID Protocols

For Students

1- Return to Normal Activities:

You may resume your normal activities after at least 24 hours of:

  • Improving symptoms, and
  • No fever without the use of fever-reducing medication.

2- Precautions After Recovery:

For the next 5 days, take extra precautions when around others indoors, such as:

  • Wearing a mask
  • Improving air quality
  • Practicing good hygiene and physical distancing
  • Testing when necessary: This is especially important to protect those at higher risk of severe illness.
  • Consider making arrangements with a friend to pick up food for you from Dining Services.

3- If Symptoms Worsen or Return:

If your symptoms worsen or you develop a fever again after resuming activities, isolate immediately and follow the above recovery steps until you meet the criteria for returning to normal activities.

4- Class and Work Absences:

Notify your professors and labor supervisors about missed classes and work. Consider requesting an Absence Report from Carla Roberts ( Note: an Absence Report does not guarantee an excused absence but informs faculty and labor supervisors of your situation.

5- If you need immediate medical attention, go to the ER or call 911:

If you need lesser medical attention, please contact White House Clinic at 859-985-1415. If you have questions about student health care, visit here.

For Faculty

  • If you have a positive COVID diagnosis, please prioritize your own health and follow medical guidance. If you are well enough to continue teaching remotely, please communicate with your Department Chair and Division Chair about your plans. Of course, if you are not well enough to teach, let your Department Chair know so that we can support your students during your absence.
  • If a student in one of your classes has been diagnosed with COVID, they will be instructed to email you and discuss options for continuing in your course. Additional flexibility with assignments and due dates can go a long way toward keeping a student on track to successfully return to class, whether they are significantly ill or just have a mild case.

For Labor Supervisors

  • If you have a positive COVID diagnosis, please prioritize your own health and follow medical guidance. Contact your supervisor to discuss options. 
  • If one of your labor students has been diagnosed with COVID, they will be instructed to contact you and discuss options.

Other questions or concerns? Please reach out to:

  • Public Safety, 859-985-3333 - Public Safety will then reach out to the appropriate Student Life staff member on duty, who can call you with clarifications & answers.
  • Gus Gerassimides, Interim Vice President of Student Life.

Thank you for your efforts to stay happy and healthy!

COVID Team Leadership

  • Scott Steele, Provost
  • Gus Gerassimides, Interim Vice President of Student Life
  • Collis Robinson, Dean of Labor
  • Matt Saderholm, Dean of Faculty