Funding for Appalachian Related Travel and Experiences

Funding for Appalachian Related Travel and Experiences

Would you like to learn more about Appalachian culture by attending an festival or event, or do research on an Appalachian related topic by visiting a museum, but don't have the money for travel? We are here to help!

Please read the following requirements to see if you are eligible. If so you may fill out the application form below and we will be in touch on whether or not we are able to accommodate your request!

  • The applicant must be a current Berea College student in good standing.
  • The experience must relate to Appalachia. However, Appalachia is a large and diverse region and Appalachian studies in multi-disciplinary. Lots of ideas relate to the region.
  • The experience can be related to a class or a personal pursuit but it must be a primarily educational experience.
  • Many types of supplemental educational experiences are eligible: regional travel, conference attendance, research, supplies for a course project, etc. Creativity and new ideas are encouraged.
  • No more than $250 will be distributed to an individual student per academic year.

How to apply

  • Download and fill out the Application Form and email the completed form to Chris Green at
  • Submit the application at least 3 weeks in advance in order to receive funds in a timely manner.
  • If your request is approved you must spend the money on exactly how you requested it. If adjustments need to be made they must be approved by Dr. Green.
  • Within 30 days of spending the money you must submit a 500 word essay reflecting on your experience. If an essay is not submitted you will not be eligible for future funding.